Monday, January 31, 2011

School pictures are here...

It's getting harder and harder to get out of the
house with it cold and raining all the time.
But I did it and got some shots of the kids
enjoying their back yard...for we have SOLD
the house and it's just a matter of time when
we will be leaving our lil' home in Hamburg.

My 10 year old and in fourth grade...
 My 7half year old and in the second grade...
 My 3-4 year old playing on the tire-swing...
My 21 month old, playing with the cat...

We have been blessed with work as well.
So my husband will be away for about a
month, while the kids and I pack up our
things and get ready for the BIG MOVE!

"It is better to trust in the LORD
than to put confidence in man."
             Psalms 118:8

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Making Decisons...

After nearly 10 years in a
1,200 sq.ft. home, we made up
our minds this week that
we are Selling Our Home!
We do everything as a family
in a little over 400 sq.ft. living area.
I'm sad I will not lie, for we
have made sweet and loving memories
in our little house we call HOME.
Please pray for us that
we can sell quick and find us a
new place that we can call home.

Friday, January 14, 2011

A tough week...

Week 21 has been finished finally,
and it's been a tough one.
NO, we are not sick, just been
one of those weeks in the Barr house.
My 2nd. grader did a Science project...
looking for animals with
And we made it a family thing...
here Daddy offered some of his blood
to look at, WOW NEAT!
Even my 3 year old enjoyed it...

"The most important things
in life...aren't things!"

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year, 1-1-11

Ten years ago today, God blessed
my husband and I with a
precious little BOY!
Our baby has grown to be
quite a lil' man,
and we are so thankful.