Thursday, March 31, 2011

Daddy is home, YAY!

My love made it back home to me
so we have been having alot of
family time together, sweet!
Here the kids are by my in-laws azaleas,
we are going to move the camper
to their back yard and stay there for awhile.

Spent some time at the park, got some CUTE
pictures of the kiddos by the bayou.

In a few more weeks the moving out will begin
so I may be off for awhile until we get
 moved out of the house.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

"The Pain of Motherhood"

I read an article in a magazine this week
that I enjoyed and could relate to.
"I love my children so much that at times
it hurts. Mothering brings me so much
joy, yet it is the most frightening and
overwhelming task imaginable."
Oh these words are oh, so TRUE.
I find myself worrying over EVERYTHING!
When my kids are sick or hurting
I'm sick and hurting for them.
My oldest gets poison-ivy pretty
much every year, no one else gets it,
all because I got it when I was
pregnant for him, he gets it.
And this week it was around his
eye making him miserable...
Praying that all my teaching will
stick and they will grow up
loving/walking with the Lord.
My two younger boys found some
boxes while I was packing this
week and made helmets out of them
and had a play fight with sticks.
Makes me think of 
soldiers for the LORD...
And will they love me even after
all the mistakes I'll make
along the way of being a mom?
My lil' girl is always saying
"I help" and wants to do everything
I do, it's so sweet and loving
but, will she always want to help?

I just hope and pray God will give
me all that I need to mother them well.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Six Weeks Without My Love...

 Been 6 weeks now since my love walked out the door
to work away from home, which made me a "Single Mom".
  *The first week is always hard, adjusting to no daddy and
no help for me can get overwhelming at times. We had
an Ice Storm that week and my washer pipe froze...
  *Week two we see now that it's just the 5 of us and we
pull together and become a team, I guess really we just
get use to the idea daddy is not around...
  *Then when week 3 comes along I start slipping and it
gets harder doing it all, or it's trying to potty-train a lil'
21 month old girl! And I got sick so nothing got done...
  *Okay so I made it to a month now, and the boys are
doing terrible in school, it's a fight every day! Trying to
pack when the warmer out-doors is calling me, no help...
  *Then at 5 weeks I say "that is it" we stop everything
pack up the SUV and take that 4 hour trip to see daddy.

We had a good time; playing at the park, going shopping,
eating-out and just spending time as a "Family", we have
missed him these past six weeks. :~)

So thankful we went, but now its time to get back to work
going to be busy, BUSY for we will be signing papers and
closing on our house in about a week or's time to
move out and start over making a home at a new place.