Tuesday, August 23, 2011

WOW, Been a long month...

Can't believe its been a month since I last posted!!!
A lot has happened in a month for the Barr gang.
We on the move again, here in North Oklahoma
On a job...started school, got in a small car
Accident and lost our dear grandmother!!!
I have no Internet for now, so I'm on my phone.

The Lord has been good to us and we are all well
School is going well for the kids.  We are counting 
Down the days until we get our new and bigger
Camper that we ordered last month, should be
Ready in less than 4 weeks, YAY ME!

Sorry I can't post pictures right now, maybe soon.
Hope to get back on my laptop and keep up with
Everyone and start posting more with pictures.
God bless, hope the school year is a good one! ;-)