Sunday, October 13, 2013

DIY Laundry Soap Revised

For almost two years now I've been making my own
laundry soap and fabric softener, it has saved me a
lot of money and it gets the job done like any store
bought products do if not better. ;-)
My sister got me started, she made a batch for her
family and shared a gallon with me...from there I've
tried different recipes and tweaked them until I found
the one that worked for my family.
I've blogged before on how I make it BUT I had to
revise it just a bit.

All the recipes I found use a
five gallon bucket, I don't
have room for one so I cut
it down to two jugs.
My washer is small so I wash
2-3 loads a day, and my
soap lasts me for about four
months using 3/4 of the cap full.

"Two Jug Laundry Soap"

4 cups boiling water
1/4 bar Fels-Naptha
4 Tbsp. Borax
4 Tbsp. Washing Soda
2 Tbsp. Oxi Clean
4 Tbsp. Purex Crystals
2 Jugs (2.34qt) reusable

I grade my lil' piece of soap bar
and add it to the boiling water
stir until all the soap is melted.
Add half everything to the two jugs;
 2 Tbsp of Borax, 
2 Tbsp of Washing Soda, etc.
Once the soap has melted I
add half of it to my jugs,
shake a little to mix everything.
Then I fill with hot water half way 
(about 4 cups) give it another
good shake and let sit over night.
It will gel up and you take a 
spoon and stir really good
and add more water to fill jug.
Before every use give it a good shake.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Nine Months in Oklahoma

We are SO homesick for humid, mosquito
infested, hurricane valley "home sweet home!!!"
But, the good news is, this one year job is
about to rap up and we hoping to be heading
HOME by next month, the kiddos can't WAIT!

Here it is, the new coker drums
are almost ready to be
tested and started up for use.

My husband and a few other men did
all the welding and building on
this frame around the coker drums.
The first lift of this huge crane.

Then the coker drums were lifted 
into place, this lift drew a crowd of people.

Then the pint house was lifted up
this was the heaviest lift of all
we watched for over two hours
along with many other people.

My husband and a few other men
waited for it to be put in place
so it could be bolted down and
secured into place, this was the
scariest part for me to watch.

For nine months the USI
crew have been preparing 
for this day, their first
complete coker drum build,
it was exciting to watch.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Field Trip to the Zoo

Ladybug finally got to go to the zoo,
she been asking for awhile now.
I met up with my sister and we took
seven kiddos for four hours...