Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Virtuous Woman, Part 1

I've been taking notes on the "virtues woman" for over a year now, and I thought I would take
the time to type it out for y'all to read, hope it's a blessing and you enjoy as much as I did.

10 virtues of the woman
in Proverbs 31
Serving God in every aspect of their lives.

#1. FAITH: Serving God, seeking His will and following His ways.

"Love the Lord your God with
all your heart, with all your soul,
and with all your mind"

"She opens her mouth with wisdom,
and loving instruction is on
her tongue."
Prov. 31:29

#2. MARRIAGE: She respects her husband, does him good, helpful partner and trust-

"It is not good for the man to
be alone. I will make a companion
for him who is similar to him."

"She brings him good and not evil
all the days of her life."
Prov. 31:12

#3. MOTHERING: She teaches her children of the Lord, and nurtures with the love of

"Train a child in the way that
he should go, and when he is old
he will not turn from it."

"Her children rise up and call
her blessed, her husband
also praises her."
Prov. 31:28

#4. HEALTH: She cares for her own body, and makes healthy habits for herself and the

"Your body is the temple of the
Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you
have from God, and you are
not your own."
1Cor. 6:19

"She begins her work
vigorously,and she
strengthens her arms."
Prov. 31:17

#5. SERVICE: She serves her husband, family and friends with a gentle loving spirit. 

"And now these three remain,
faith, hope, and love.
But the greatest of these is love."
1Cor. 13:13

"She extends her hand to the poor,
and reaches out her hand
to the needy."
Prov. 31:20

I promise to come back and blog the other half another day. :-D

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Reorganizing My Life, Part 3

Last year I started making a list of things we do different in a camper as to
a house, (in label "Camper Rules") so my life changed some when we moved
in our camper with four I plan to give you three MORE
rules. :-D

#7. Never put a hole in your wall just ANYWHERE...the walls are thin.
I use those awesome "Command Band" that stick on, hold well and come
off easy when ready to move. This saves my camper without ugly holes.
They come in different colours now, so I've been hanging them in kiddos
room to organize their room a little better.

#8. Never can have TOO many totes...these things are wonderful.
From keeping the kiddos toys in place, to keeping school work organized,
they help me out so much...and now that I've found the ones that snap in
place, my life has been simpler.

#9. You can't beat the heat with one AC...go buy a window unit!!!
This summer was in the triple digits and our camper AC just couldn't keep it
cool in here, so we got a window unit and stuck it in a window. Awww,
now that helped cool things off in here. ;-D

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Two Favorite Spots...

"Too Blessed, Too be Stressed"
My two "hillbilly" boys
My two "silly" babies
For the past three weeks since we got over here in this dead
town in Texas, the kiddos have found their favorite places
to play...the older boys stay in a ditch behind the camper
and as for now has water in it and they have been catching
frogs and crawfish just about every day. And then my two
younger kids love to play in the cool dirt under one of the
slide outs of the camper...MUD and DIRT!!!
My "homemade" foam hand soap
With all that MESS I never could keep hand soap, until awesome sister gave me a recipe and I made
my own hand soap with just a little Dawn and water, and
it works GREAT! So now I can wash off the kiddos before
they come in and I'll never run out. ;-D
A "foam" hand wash container
fill the bottom with Dawn, (about 1/2" deep)
and then fill the rest with water

Thursday, August 23, 2012

I prayed for rain...

"Cleaning your house while your kids are still
growing up is like
shoveling the walk before it stops snowing."
~Phyllis Diller~
For the past few days we have been getting some rain which
was MUCH needed, it's been so dry and everything was
beginning to die...well, God sent us some rain and cool
weather as well and it's been so nice this week, that is...all
but the MUD the kiddos keep getting into and tracking through
the camper every day!!!
I wash two loads of laundry a day, maybe more and one goes
on the line my sweet husband put up for me, which has been
so nice to have. And if you have a front loader then you know
the smell they have, so I make up my own "Clorox Anywhere"
and after washing in the morning I spray the door and inside
and it has been helping a lot. :-D
"Clorox Anywhere"
1qt. spray bottle of water to cap full of bleach
and then I put just a little vinegar as well.
Last year I found a new way (well, new to me) of folding the kids
sheets and putting them away to where they were easier to get out
and less space. My mother-in-law showed me this trick, you fold
the fitted sheet up with the flat sheet, this has HELPED me so,
now I only need to grab four piles to make up the beds and no
more looking for matching sheets or getting two fitted ones!!! ;-D

Saturday, August 18, 2012

All in a Days Time

"I thought parenting was going to portray my strengths,
never realizing that God had ordained it
to reveal my weaknesses."
~Dave Harvey~

Sitting out every morning to read
through out the day with
the kiddos.

I try really hard to keep up with a nice simple schedule for us all,
it may get changed up from time to time but over all we do good
at sticking to it and it makes life that much simpler as we go.

After two weeks of homeschooling for this year I think we got us
a plan that's working and that we can stick too...we will soon see!
Every morning I pray for STRENGTH!

5:00, I'm up and getting my husband's lunch packed up and his
coffee in his mug to go...then I have time for myself to read, pray
and enjoy a cup of coffee before it's time to REALLY start the day.

7:30, I'm getting the kiddos up and breakfast on the way, their
morning chores are done then Bible reading and prayer with them
before school starts.

8:30, We start school with PE, so out the door we go and we take
a walk and ride our bikes around the RV park for some fresh air.

I got a color (their favorite) for each
child with stickers to help keep
up with who's is who.

9:30, After hands and faces are washed we start with our calendar,
Bible memory verse, Math and then Grammar. (For 15-20 minutes
I work with my Kindergartner while my oldest reads to lil' girl.)

11:00, We take our lunch break and play outside some more, my
kiddos LOVE to be outside...we may plan a picnic, much fun! ;)

12:30, Again hands and faces are cleaned and I lay lil' girl down
for a nap while the big boys start on spelling and lil' man colors...
or takes a nap!!!! Reading, Science and History is done, and I
work another 15-20 minutes with my Kindergartner.

Some days lil' man gives in and can't
fight it anymore...NAP TIME.

2:30-3:30, When all school is finished they can have a snack and
do their chores for that day before heading out the door AGAIN.

6:00, I'm getting super on the table and family time with daddy,
games, reading, "fix this daddy", "look what I did daddy", etc..

9:30, After a much needed BATH, I'm getting them tucked in bed
and many hugs and kisses "good-night"...*shew* then it's back to
doing it again tomorrow. ;-D

We are notebooking this year, the
kiddos are enjoying it.


Friday, August 10, 2012

One Week Down

"Is it bad that I have one week under my belt
and I have a question about taking a break?"

 The kiddos and I have been enjoying the Olympics, we may
not watch every night for it's on LATE and with school in
the morning sleepy eyes is not what I want...but, this is our
FIRST week of school and today marked the end of it so
I came up with an idea to have them play in their own
Olympic game. So we made number tags (our favorite color
with our age) and marked our spot to play (the park down
the road) and we ran, jumped, etc until we had enough...
and every kiddo was a winner, in my eyes. :-D

Homeschooling can have some challenging days, but I'm so
thankful I can have my babies close to me and I know I've
said this before "they grow up way too fast" lil'
girl made me almost cry the other day, she wanted to help
with the dishes, so she pulled my step stool up there and
grabbed the rag and a plate and went to doing circular
motions to clean it well as if she had been doing it for's the simple things we need to be taking in and
remembering, Lord help me to remember!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Remembering Back a Few Years

"Do something wonderful,
people may imitate it."
~Albert Schweitzer~

My grandmother turned ~90~ this past February, and I've been
missing her so these past few weeks, thinking back on all
the sweet and loving things she did for me growing up. She
still drives, plays the piano at church, and cooks amazing meals.
This is one lady in my life I respect and look up to and I pray
I can measure up to all the wonderful Christ like things she did
and still does when or if I get to be 90 years old.
I love you Gran!

Lets take another look back

It's been tough trying to blog what we have done that y'all missed and
also what's going on now...I feel like I'm stuck in the middle. ;-)

I know some wanted to see pictures of my sisters wedding, we worked
hard, making our own dresses, baking all 60 something cupcakes
(she had a cupcake tower for her wedding cake), I borrowed wedding
decor from friends and used much to decorate, my husband and our
pastors wife cooked up some wonderful Cajun food....and others helped
here and there as was needed.

While in Oklahoma we got to play in "snow", yes for us south cajun
people snow we hardly ever get, so the kiddos had a blast making
balls stacking them up finding rocks and sticks and *whalaw* snowman!
Even lil' girl made a "snow girl" with the help from daddy. ;)

Then once we got back to cajun country it started raining and just
wouldn't we had water standing all over the place which
made for nice mud wholes for the kiddos to get into...I was never so
sick and tired of "mud" as I was this year, they sure gave me a mess
every chance they could.

And BACK to Oklahoma we went for more work and while we where
there my wonderful Aunt took a photos of us. We went to my
hometown park and just walked around being us and she snapped as
we walked...I love the simple photos you get of children just being
"kids"!!! ;)

And while in North Oklahoma I got some awesome pictures of my
two's getting harder to snap ones of my older boys...
"oh mom, not again" but the babies are always, "look mom, take
a picture of me doing...." Enjoy them while you can, for they grow
way too fast I'm starting to find out.

"Each day of our lives we make deposits
in the memory banks of our children."
~Charles R. Swindoll~

Monday, August 6, 2012

First Day of School

Our school logo the kids and I made

Today was our first day of school for 2012-2013 year, I would love to
say it went well, but after all my planning, organizing, etc. there was
one thing I was not ready for...NO CUP OF COFFEE!!! My coffee pot
would not work this morning and I was up at 5 o'clock getting my
husband off to work and didn't go back to bed...boy did I have a hard
time staying awake to get ANYTHING done today...was able to take
a very short nap just to get me through supper, so I'll be going to bed
early...right after I finish this blog! ;-D
Happy Schooling to you all.

My 6th grader

My 4th grader

My Kindergartner

Friday, August 3, 2012

TIY Helps

"Be industrious and frugal,
and you will be rich."
~Benjamin Franklin~

~Laundry Soap~

4 cups hot water
Bar of soap
(Fels-Naptha or Castile)
1 cup Washing soda
1/2 cup Borax

1) Grate the bar of soap. Start heating the water and add the grated soap.
Stir continually over medium heat until soap dissolves and is all melted.

2) Fill a five gallon bucket half full of very hot water. Add the melted
soap, washing soda and borax. Stir well until all the powder is dissolved.
Fill the bucket to the top with  more hot water, stir well and cover and
let sit overnight to thicken up.

3) You can add about 30 drops of essential oil once the soap has cooled.

4) Will be very thick, stir it to break it up and pour into old liquid laundry
jug or milk jugs for easy use. Use 1/2 cup for top load machines (appro.
180 loads) and 1/4 cup for front load machines (appro. 360 loads).

~Liquid Fabric Softener~
3 cups vinegar
2 cups hair conditioner
6 cups water

I've been trying to save us a lil' money from time to time, still saving
so we can buy some land...Lord willing we plan to build. ;-D

Been in this camper life for 1yr., 3mths. and 2wks. now...and the kids
are ready to get out, I may have days I wish I was in a "firm" place or
dream of working in my flowerbeds from time to time, but I'm thankful
we are together as a family right now.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Four Birthday Kiddos

I missed blogging about my babies turning another year...
it's hard trying to blog about the past I missed and the
present that's going on now!!! But I'll try and keep y'all
wanting to come back for more..... ;-)

They are growing like weeds and time is flying by so fast
that it scares me so...

"If life had a tail, I would grab hold of it" ~Janet Oke