Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Baby Girl is Four

She may be the baby in the family
and she may be the only girl in the family
she may even be the ONLY girl of 11 grandchildren
but she is so "Brave" to say the least for a little girl of 4 years old.

Her "Brave" birthday, such a happy girl.
She got Merida and her horse Angus.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

What a Hand FULL of Blessings

My sister had her third child a few weeks ago, so we pulled the camper to her
town and I got to help out by watching her other two children. It was tough
being in a camper with SIX kiddos for 4 days, but I enjoyed it so much and
we made a lot of memories. :-)
Before my husband and I got married we talked about children, I told him that
I wanted SIX...he didn't much like the idea, THREE was more of a number
he wanted BUT, the good Lord had other plans and He blessed us with our
precious FOUR. <3

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways;
declares the LORD.
~Isaiah 55:8~

I got my SIX kiddos for a few days.

My two li'l men that could pass for twins,
they are 5mths apart in age, best buds.
My baby girls, sure enjoy a splash of pink
to put a BIG smile on ones face.

And here is li'l sissy, she is precious.
Congratulations to my sister and her family.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Woodworking Day

I've been rearranging the husband holds his breath every time I come up
with a new idea...anyway, I took out one of the bottom bunks and put a toddler bed
in the space for li'l girl and put li'l man on the top bunk. They both just LOVE their
new spaces I made for them...BUT, this was the first time li'l man has been on a top
bunk so I was scared he would roll out of his bed and I needed a ladder for him to be
able to climb into the top bunk...I have a brother that knows carpentry work,
so I called him up. :-) Once he had it made for me the kiddos and I finished up with
some sanding and staining.

She is taking down her old stickers.
This is what a silly boy does with rubber gloves...

The kiddos are staining away.

Love how my brother pieced the wood together.

After all that staining it was play time.

LOVE how it turned out.

I have Knights in the house

Last week I had the children study about Knights and we put it all in a lapbook.
We even built a castle out of paper and legos, we love our legos.

Our Knight lapbook
Our castle

We did all that because this past Mothers Day weekend we got to go to a
Renaissance Festival here in Muskogee, OK. it was an exciting time.

Standing outside the castle waiting
for the festival to begin.
One of our favorite parts was watching
the Knights jousting.
The boys had to get their own swords.

And li'l girl got her face painted.
BUT the best part was the knighting.
Upon entering the gate they gave my boys a quest, "The Queens Quest" where
they where knighted later on that day, so I now have "Sir's" in the camper. :-)
My mothers day weekend was a blessing.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Pond Study at the Park

"The quickest way for a parent to get a
child's attention is to sit down and look comfortable."
~Lane Olinhouse~
My comfy shoes...
We picked a pretty sunny day and went to the park near us and found a pond to
walk around to study, there are so many things you can find at a pond, here are
just a few things we found.
Aa is for azaleas

Cc is for Caterpillar
Ff is for frog
Rr is for rocks
Pp is for pond
Tt is for turtle
Ee is for egg, Dd is for duck,
Mm is for moss, Gg is for goose,
and Ss is for snake.