Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Moving Forward

It's been six weeks since we got the keys
to our new house, we started right away
at remodeling and making it our OWN!

Enjoy the before and after pictures...
Still have a lot to do, bathrooms are
still unfinished, kitchen still needs
cabinet doors painted and our living
room is still NOT PAINTED!

My kitchen is starting
to have a brighter glow.

The dining room is
being used as my painting
station, so no table.

I've been working on
the kiddos room
so the living room is
staying the same.

What was the dinning room
is now our school area...
started back school last week
and that's been challenging.

Baby girl got her pink room
and loves her "princes bed".

The kids helped me paint and
put back trimming and
molding in the boys room,
talk about a job *sigh*.

And bubba finally gets his
OWN ROOM, one happy boy.