Monday, June 24, 2013

Summer 2013 is Here

Triple digit numbers for our temperature this week, feels like you could
fry an egg on the side walk with the sun...and got our first sun burn, yup
that means summer is here.
So now we will be spending more time inside during the afternoon to
stay cool and do our playing outside in the morning and late evening,
and that's just what we did last night, waited on that "Super moon" to
take a good look at it, and so I got some pictures of the kids playing. <3


Friday, June 21, 2013

Sweetheart Turned 10

"I don't want to grow up, I want to stay a boy!"
my son
All too fast my children are growing up, my second son just turned 10.
It wasn't as hard on me as it was when my oldest turned 10, but still
can be overwhelming at times when I think about it...
He wanted a cowboy theme birthday, so that's what he got. :-)

My boot started to fall apart, but it sure was good.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Trust and Obey Through the Storms

"Trust and obey, for there's no other way
to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey."
~Hymn by John H. Sammis (1846-1919)~
I've been singing this song for a few weeks now, being here in Oklahoma
during the tornado season has NOT been fun or easy. I've wanted to pack
the kiddos up and go back to the South...BUT, my heart can't leave my
husband here by himself. We are a family and should stick together and
that's even through the tough times, so I've been praying a lot harder and
trusting Him to take care of our family.
We have our bag ready always!

We have 2 storm shelters in the RV park.
This is Mammatus clouds, they were neat.
When the wind gusts at 50-60 mph making the camper rock from side to side
pushing the slide outs in a few inches, water coming through the windows
and hail beating down on the roof making it hard to even hear yourself think...
that's when you are ready to be in that storm shelter with crying kiddos.
We have gone three times in the shelter to stay safe from the awful tornadoes
and thunder storms that have been sweeping through Oklahoma.
Praying for Oklahoma.