Friday, August 2, 2013

Back to School SOON

Yup, it's that time of year again for us, getting things bought and gathered
up for school next week, August 5th is are First Day of School!

I've started keeping a school portfolio, {don't know why I never thought of it
before when I started school?}
So this year we doing the colour "orange", so I got an orange notebook, have
some orange folders and bought the kiddos school shirts to paint on in...
Still sticking with each child their OWN colour, so I've added some pink
into the mix because baby girl starts this year, she can't wait!
And I made my own school planner this year, we'll see how that works out.

And we are still in the camper, parked in the flat lands of Oklahoma...
We bought two new items for us to haul around with us; a freezer, the
camper one is just not big enough to hold anything!!! And a Coleman
stove, it's so hot during the day {even with three ACs going} that I've
started just cooking outside if it's not raining.


  1. Yeah for a new school year. Are they excited?

    Love your new freezer that will be so helpful! Coleman stoves are the best in my opinion.
    Love your v-sticker on your camper about "Home". Very Special.

  2. When we are in the Mothership it is so hard to have enough food - especially for my teen boys!! The tiny fridge & freezer are always overflowing - or completely empty, teehee.

    Blessings on all your travels and roadschooling!

  3. Looks like you got an early start. I love your idea of each child having their own color. Your so organized that way. I don't think we'll start til Sept. 3rd. We have a lot of things going on and I'm not quite ready to give up my summer just yet. Hope y'all have a great school year.
