Saturday, March 15, 2014

Ice Down South

It's not too often we get snow or ice
but this year it came at us hard, for
three weeks straight we were fighting
all that nasty sleet, ice and snow.
Was thankful my love got to fly home
for a few days and help cut up the big
branches...and a kind neighbor came
and helped me with one that fell
later on. :-)

It was pretty I have to admit.

But it damage my oak trees and
we had a mess to clean up.
Was without electricity for over
24hrs. so not fun and COLD.

Sweetheart was making 
himself a tee pee fort
but the dogs thought it
was their dog house. 

Little by little the kiddos
and I got the mess cleaned we have a huge
brush pile to burn, smores!


  1. Love the little teepee. My oldest son used to love building and playing in one. Thanks for the happy memories you brought back to me.

