Tuesday, August 11, 2015

On the Road Again in Texas

It took me all of four days to organize the school books, clothes, food etc.and pack up our 36ft. camper
to hit the road with my welder for a few weeks. Three hours into our trip we had a tire blow out on the camper, so that was a few hour delay getting that fixed. First we went to Oklahoma to visit my family
I hadn't seen in seven months. The truck had to be put in the shop so we spent a few extra days
visiting...that was nice, but vehicle work breaks the bank!

2011 & 2015

I started an oily journey and I've been enjoying it very much, I still have a lot to learn. So, after a week 
on the road, unexpected expenses and 815 miles later, I've come to really LOVE a few oils indeed. ;-)

Young Living #2691898

It's been three years since the kiddos and I visited the panhandle of Texas, it has been sweet seeing
the friends we got to know the last time we were here. And we got to start school, a few days late, 
but, I'm working on my 11th. year of homeschooling.

School year 2015-2016

1 comment:

  1. I thought you guys were on the road again. That's the good thing about homeschooling is that it allows you to travel. Hope you enjoy your time in your home away from home. The kids are getting so big. Lots of luck with the homeschooling.
    xx Beca
