Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Daddy Had a Birthday!!!

The kids and I baked a cake and decorated it with legos...
you talk about it was SOME CAKE when we got finished!
I got in a hurry and my cake split on me...but it was all good.
Her is lil' man licking the goodies
and playing with legos...
Daddy was very surprised when he came
in from work; cake and gifts...
They all wanted to help him put
is new BBQ pit together...
Trying it out you see,
look at that fire...


  1. Love the Legos Cake! Very Fun. And, such a nice quick grill to set up too.

  2. Hi there,I'm Melissa, I came over from Carmen's site. She had a post about camping and mentioned you had posted some tips about living in a camper.

    We have 5 children and one due at the end of August. It is our plan to move out of our house and get it sold and purchase a piece of acreage, maybe 5 and build a house and an office on it for our business...we currently have a showroom in our town but if we put it on our property we could save on paying rent, etc.... So we are looking at possibly by the end of the year or late Winter to moving into our travel trailer full time...we have a 27 foot Award....tiny right now but the children are 8,6,5,3,1 so the space is manageable with them so small...we don't have any slideouts. So I was perusing your site to find out what nuggets you have learned in your time as a fulltimer in a trailer.
    God Bless~~
