Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Reorganizing My Life Part2

#4 Rade the piggy banks for quarters...washing clothes gets
pretty pricy!
If your camper doesn't have a washer & dryer, than your
going to need a lot of quarters. In one month I can wash up to
18 loads of laundry, thats been around $90 a month!!!

#5 Learn how to dump the *black holding tank* this
heat will stink the whole camper up!
I learned the hard way, if your hubby forgot to dump the tank
you better know how yourself. After watching him a time or
two, I think I did a pretty good jod for my FIRST time.

#6 Find slow-cooker won't heat up your camper!
When it's over 100* outside and your AC is going full blast
and your trying to cook on a stove that is only heating up the
camper...throughing everything in a slow-cooker that morning
is WAY easier and less stressful on my family.
Scotch Fastners are awesome
for hanging things up, even our lil' girl
enjoys the new things hanging!

1 comment:

  1. We were just thinking... "let's cash in the Kiddos Piggy Banks to open up a bank savings so that we can use all the quarters in their banks!" I remember using so many quarters when we went across the US!

    I am working on my crock pot meals too because I know we won't be doing an open fire all the time. ;)
