Thursday, July 7, 2011

My Lil' Fire Crackers

Fireworks we couldn't set off this year because of a burn-ban,
but we got to go to the gulf on Dauphin Island here in Alabama
and watch an AWESOME fireworks show over the water.

Daddy had a few days off so he fried us up the last of
our deer meat from home, while the kids played cards.

1 comment:

  1. Such sweet pictures! I adore your camping decor. Very Fun and Festive!

    So, glad you your hubby had some time off to enjoy the day with you.

    Thanks for the #1 rule! I remember sticking with that rule when we went across the US. I am having a little harder time trying to stick to it this time with out knowing how long we will be in the camper once we move. But, I keep thinking "oh this homeschool stuff". I know I can do with out a lot of though. ;)
