Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Many Things Have Changed For Us This Summer

Fighting the heat in this "oven" of a camper is so tough
when your having 103* + more weather, very little rain
sunny and dry!!! We have two AC's but it just wouldn't
keep it cool in here so we had to put in a window unit.

Our oldest socking up the cool air while
reading his Bible in the afternoon.

And being it's so hot it makes it hard for me to cook without
heating up the camper anymore.....so, I've been using my
crock pot and skillet to cook on to help keep cool.

I now make one of my husbands favorite
dishes, Meatloaf, in a skillet.

My kiddos are outsiders, so we go through so much water
so I started keeping ice in an ice chest with their own cups,
has been helping to keep them cool while playing.

Love those ice machines that give you
16lbs. of ice bags for $2 ;)

And the wind blows all the time, which is nice BUT....
we can't put our awning out to give us shade, so we
got us a gazebo that is easy to fold up and down.

Or we find any shade we can,
just so we can play!!!

1 comment:

  1. We are apparently dealing with the same hot issues! We are in the 90s with the heat indexes in the 100s. We only have one air conditionar but thankfully we are under a good bit of tree shade and it has rained every day to cool the late afternoons off! We had to set up a little screen porch and we put a fan at the top and hooked it with small bundy cords. It keeps us a little cooler outside but not by much though! Camper living sure does bring out the appreciation for the blessings of cool drinks and ice!

    Such a sweet picture of your son.
