Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Lets take another look back

It's been tough trying to blog what we have done that y'all missed and
also what's going on now...I feel like I'm stuck in the middle. ;-)

I know some wanted to see pictures of my sisters wedding, we worked
hard, making our own dresses, baking all 60 something cupcakes
(she had a cupcake tower for her wedding cake), I borrowed wedding
decor from friends and used much to decorate, my husband and our
pastors wife cooked up some wonderful Cajun food....and others helped
here and there as was needed.

While in Oklahoma we got to play in "snow", yes for us south cajun
people snow we hardly ever get, so the kiddos had a blast making
balls stacking them up finding rocks and sticks and *whalaw* snowman!
Even lil' girl made a "snow girl" with the help from daddy. ;)

Then once we got back to cajun country it started raining and just
wouldn't STOP....so we had water standing all over the place which
made for nice mud wholes for the kiddos to get into...I was never so
sick and tired of "mud" as I was this year, they sure gave me a mess
every chance they could.

And BACK to Oklahoma we went for more work and while we where
there my wonderful Aunt took a photos of us. We went to my
hometown park and just walked around being us and she snapped as
we walked...I love the simple photos you get of children just being
"kids"!!! ;)

And while in North Oklahoma I got some awesome pictures of my
two babies...it's getting harder to snap ones of my older boys...
"oh mom, not again" but the babies are always, "look mom, take
a picture of me doing...." Enjoy them while you can, for they grow
way too fast I'm starting to find out.

"Each day of our lives we make deposits
in the memory banks of our children."
~Charles R. Swindoll~

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