Monday, August 6, 2012

First Day of School

Our school logo the kids and I made

Today was our first day of school for 2012-2013 year, I would love to
say it went well, but after all my planning, organizing, etc. there was
one thing I was not ready for...NO CUP OF COFFEE!!! My coffee pot
would not work this morning and I was up at 5 o'clock getting my
husband off to work and didn't go back to bed...boy did I have a hard
time staying awake to get ANYTHING done today...was able to take
a very short nap just to get me through supper, so I'll be going to bed
early...right after I finish this blog! ;-D
Happy Schooling to you all.

My 6th grader

My 4th grader

My Kindergartner


  1. I see some familiar books in there! It looks like it will be a great year!

  2. Hahaha, I sure hope think after 7yrs of schooling I would stick to one thing, NOPE!!! Still changing this up.
