Friday, August 10, 2012

One Week Down

"Is it bad that I have one week under my belt
and I have a question about taking a break?"

 The kiddos and I have been enjoying the Olympics, we may
not watch every night for it's on LATE and with school in
the morning sleepy eyes is not what I want...but, this is our
FIRST week of school and today marked the end of it so
I came up with an idea to have them play in their own
Olympic game. So we made number tags (our favorite color
with our age) and marked our spot to play (the park down
the road) and we ran, jumped, etc until we had enough...
and every kiddo was a winner, in my eyes. :-D

Homeschooling can have some challenging days, but I'm so
thankful I can have my babies close to me and I know I've
said this before "they grow up way too fast" lil'
girl made me almost cry the other day, she wanted to help
with the dishes, so she pulled my step stool up there and
grabbed the rag and a plate and went to doing circular
motions to clean it well as if she had been doing it for's the simple things we need to be taking in and
remembering, Lord help me to remember!

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