Saturday, August 18, 2012

All in a Days Time

"I thought parenting was going to portray my strengths,
never realizing that God had ordained it
to reveal my weaknesses."
~Dave Harvey~

Sitting out every morning to read
through out the day with
the kiddos.

I try really hard to keep up with a nice simple schedule for us all,
it may get changed up from time to time but over all we do good
at sticking to it and it makes life that much simpler as we go.

After two weeks of homeschooling for this year I think we got us
a plan that's working and that we can stick too...we will soon see!
Every morning I pray for STRENGTH!

5:00, I'm up and getting my husband's lunch packed up and his
coffee in his mug to go...then I have time for myself to read, pray
and enjoy a cup of coffee before it's time to REALLY start the day.

7:30, I'm getting the kiddos up and breakfast on the way, their
morning chores are done then Bible reading and prayer with them
before school starts.

8:30, We start school with PE, so out the door we go and we take
a walk and ride our bikes around the RV park for some fresh air.

I got a color (their favorite) for each
child with stickers to help keep
up with who's is who.

9:30, After hands and faces are washed we start with our calendar,
Bible memory verse, Math and then Grammar. (For 15-20 minutes
I work with my Kindergartner while my oldest reads to lil' girl.)

11:00, We take our lunch break and play outside some more, my
kiddos LOVE to be outside...we may plan a picnic, much fun! ;)

12:30, Again hands and faces are cleaned and I lay lil' girl down
for a nap while the big boys start on spelling and lil' man colors...
or takes a nap!!!! Reading, Science and History is done, and I
work another 15-20 minutes with my Kindergartner.

Some days lil' man gives in and can't
fight it anymore...NAP TIME.

2:30-3:30, When all school is finished they can have a snack and
do their chores for that day before heading out the door AGAIN.

6:00, I'm getting super on the table and family time with daddy,
games, reading, "fix this daddy", "look what I did daddy", etc..

9:30, After a much needed BATH, I'm getting them tucked in bed
and many hugs and kisses "good-night"...*shew* then it's back to
doing it again tomorrow. ;-D

We are notebooking this year, the
kiddos are enjoying it.



  1. Oh goodness, seeing your little ones makes me miss my kids being young! It looks like you've got things working very smoothly. I'm happy to read you're notebooking, it's an excellent learning method! I enjoyed your post very much. Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

    1. Thank you so much Betsy...I'm trying, with 7yrs of homeschooling it gets better but more chalenging as I have more to teach. ;-)
