Friday, August 3, 2012

TIY Helps

"Be industrious and frugal,
and you will be rich."
~Benjamin Franklin~

~Laundry Soap~

4 cups hot water
Bar of soap
(Fels-Naptha or Castile)
1 cup Washing soda
1/2 cup Borax

1) Grate the bar of soap. Start heating the water and add the grated soap.
Stir continually over medium heat until soap dissolves and is all melted.

2) Fill a five gallon bucket half full of very hot water. Add the melted
soap, washing soda and borax. Stir well until all the powder is dissolved.
Fill the bucket to the top with  more hot water, stir well and cover and
let sit overnight to thicken up.

3) You can add about 30 drops of essential oil once the soap has cooled.

4) Will be very thick, stir it to break it up and pour into old liquid laundry
jug or milk jugs for easy use. Use 1/2 cup for top load machines (appro.
180 loads) and 1/4 cup for front load machines (appro. 360 loads).

~Liquid Fabric Softener~
3 cups vinegar
2 cups hair conditioner
6 cups water

I've been trying to save us a lil' money from time to time, still saving
so we can buy some land...Lord willing we plan to build. ;-D

Been in this camper life for 1yr., 3mths. and 2wks. now...and the kids
are ready to get out, I may have days I wish I was in a "firm" place or
dream of working in my flowerbeds from time to time, but I'm thankful
we are together as a family right now.

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