Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Challenges ~VS~ Blessings

"Education is not the filling of a pail,
but the lighting of a fire."
~W.B. Yeats~
Homeschooling can have it's "ups and downs"!!!
I love having my kiddos close to me BUT,
at times I wish more time alone would be nice to have.
A good day of school is when we get finished at noon BUT,
more fighting goes on when we are always together.
The little ones watch and learn from the older ones BUT,
they sure can make a lot of noise making it hard to study.
We can do school in our PJ's if we like BUT,
...well, you have to admit that's pretty cool! :-D
It was "costume" day in school
Bubba is starting to slowly work on his own now, and I've been waiting for
this day BUT, it makes my heart melt to know he don't need me like he once did...
never seen that feeling coming!!! Some days he gets up early to start school so
he can finish sooner and he is such a big help, he loves to read to ladybug so I can
help lil' man with his school.
Notebooks is a new for us

"Bingo Multiplication"

I've been reading many blogs of other homeschooling mothers to help me with
my journey, and I came across one who has a child with "Dyslexia" as she
wrote about her child the more I started seeing my OWN child......for years I've
known it runs in my family, I myself fight it but it's very mild. BUT, to teach a
child with it can be a challenge...
Sweetheart has trouble with reading, so it has been a problem in math as well
as for writing and spelling makes me want to cry sometimes.
He does better if I give him one-on-one and hands on work...so I take a VERY
DEEP BREATH "pray" and we work slow and keep going OVER and OVER!
Love the things you can find on
Pinterest :-D
Lil' man LOVES to do school, my first for that...he will ask to do school on the
weekends sometimes. I find he is learning much faster then his older brothers
did just because he enjoys it so much BUT, we still have days where he is not
in the mood, "I'm tired" is always a favorite saying at the Barr table.
And since I've started using pinterest it's amazing the free prints and DIY ideas
I've gotten to help me school for this year.
Ballerina dancer
And our baby girl only has one more year left before it's her turn to join her
brothers in homeschooling...*shew* the thought of FOUR at the table is
a bit scary, BUT, for now my sweet lil' girl will be my "baby".


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