Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Day at the park

"The quickest way for a parent to
get a child's attention is to
sit down and look comfortable."
Four monkeys
For the past few days I've had some sick babies, and I myself have been under the
weather...it's been just a bad cough, but up with kids coughing all night sure can
drain one quick. So this morning I decided it was time we got out of this camper
before we all go "NUTS"!!! So we packed a snack and headed to the park...
Swing'n kiddos
Peek-a-boo babies
Two older boys
My "four" sweethearts..
love how this picture turned out.


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day. I have been reading your posts, wow, I do not know how you live in an RV with four kids! You must be superwoman. I am impressed. These pics are too cute. I like the one of all four of the kids too, so adorable.

    1. Thanks for coming by and looking at mine as well. It's not easy at times but we manage and NO, not by far a "superwoman" LOL :-D
