Monday, October 8, 2012

Some "Me" Time

I love to sew, quilt, crafts and scrap booking very much, it's always been a
calming time for me, BUT, once I became a mother a lot of that I've had to
put aside to be a mother. SO, I don't get much "me" time, with four kiddos
and homeschooling three of them, these days.
Back in July I got to visit a new store, well new to me, "JO~ANN" it was
their grand opening in Stillwater, OK., and I fell in love once I walked through
the door...fabric colors and designs you could imagine, a crafter's dream!!!
The kids helped me pick out some fabric, I wanted to make a lap quilt to
put on the edge of my bed that I could curl up with whenever I liked.
My favorite color is purple (then it's orange, that's why I love Fall so much)
so we found 4 different colors of purple and an off white to make my quilt.
Now that was the easy part, on with the HARD part...finding the time and
space in the camper to work on it! ;-)

#1, cutting out the fabric took some time and was done on my bed with a
"Friskars" rotary cutter and big mat.
#2, I'm still sewing standing up in my room, never did get a stool to sit on.
#3 & #4, once the piecing together was finished I had to iron it on my bed
with a towel down...waited for my husband to be home for this ;-)
#5, I had to tack my backing to my quilt top, so for this I had to use the
living room floor...and it took up the whole floor!
#6, I love to hand quilt my quilts BUT, this time I wanted the kiddos to
help me so I got some purple yarn and we sewed it with that.
#7, see we used the table for this job...they didn't help for long!!! ;-)
#8, then I did a quick machine stitch to hem the sides, it's measuring
56in x 43in.
Lil' girl was the FIRST to try out my new quilt <3



  1. I have always wanted to quilt but I have so many other hobbies I just don't think I can add another. Yours is beautiful. I am impressed you can sew standing up! I love Joann too, I don't go very often because I would want to buy everything!!!

    1. Oh yes don't think I'll be going back to Joann 's for some time :-)

  2. Sew Sweet!!! ;)Love the purples colors! You did a great job and I can't believe you did it all in the camper!

    We like JoAnns too. But, I go rarely. (sigh) Like you I don't often get to pick up my own interest with out sharing the "know how" and doing small projects with them.


    1. Thanks Carmen, I'm learning new ways in this camper ...LOL :-)

  3. That's quite an accomplishment! Your quilt is so pretty. The closest I've come to making a quilt is buying an old quilt top at an estate sale and finishing it. I used a lightweight blanket instead of batting and used a sheet for the back and tacked it all together with yarn. I don't know the first thing about quilting so it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. But I'm glad I did it. The kids use it all the time now.

    I enjoy reading your blog. :)

    1. Thanks Beca, I love quilting., mother always had a quilt in a frame so I did it all my life.
