Friday, May 3, 2013

Pond Study at the Park

"The quickest way for a parent to get a
child's attention is to sit down and look comfortable."
~Lane Olinhouse~
My comfy shoes...
We picked a pretty sunny day and went to the park near us and found a pond to
walk around to study, there are so many things you can find at a pond, here are
just a few things we found.
Aa is for azaleas

Cc is for Caterpillar
Ff is for frog
Rr is for rocks
Pp is for pond
Tt is for turtle
Ee is for egg, Dd is for duck,
Mm is for moss, Gg is for goose,
and Ss is for snake.



  1. That's a fun way to learn! You have very beautiful children.

    1. Thank you so much. We love being outside, makes it hard to get into the books on pretty days. ;-)

  2. You guys always find a way to make school fun. Hope your Mothers Day was wonderful! :)
