Thursday, August 23, 2012

I prayed for rain...

"Cleaning your house while your kids are still
growing up is like
shoveling the walk before it stops snowing."
~Phyllis Diller~
For the past few days we have been getting some rain which
was MUCH needed, it's been so dry and everything was
beginning to die...well, God sent us some rain and cool
weather as well and it's been so nice this week, that is...all
but the MUD the kiddos keep getting into and tracking through
the camper every day!!!
I wash two loads of laundry a day, maybe more and one goes
on the line my sweet husband put up for me, which has been
so nice to have. And if you have a front loader then you know
the smell they have, so I make up my own "Clorox Anywhere"
and after washing in the morning I spray the door and inside
and it has been helping a lot. :-D
"Clorox Anywhere"
1qt. spray bottle of water to cap full of bleach
and then I put just a little vinegar as well.
Last year I found a new way (well, new to me) of folding the kids
sheets and putting them away to where they were easier to get out
and less space. My mother-in-law showed me this trick, you fold
the fitted sheet up with the flat sheet, this has HELPED me so,
now I only need to grab four piles to make up the beds and no
more looking for matching sheets or getting two fitted ones!!! ;-D


  1. I like your blog girl! :) Your a good mommy! :D Glad we have blogging in common!

  2. Thanks a lot, I'm can be chalenging at times tho' ;-D
