Saturday, August 25, 2012

Two Favorite Spots...

"Too Blessed, Too be Stressed"
My two "hillbilly" boys
My two "silly" babies
For the past three weeks since we got over here in this dead
town in Texas, the kiddos have found their favorite places
to play...the older boys stay in a ditch behind the camper
and as for now has water in it and they have been catching
frogs and crawfish just about every day. And then my two
younger kids love to play in the cool dirt under one of the
slide outs of the camper...MUD and DIRT!!!
My "homemade" foam hand soap
With all that MESS I never could keep hand soap, until awesome sister gave me a recipe and I made
my own hand soap with just a little Dawn and water, and
it works GREAT! So now I can wash off the kiddos before
they come in and I'll never run out. ;-D
A "foam" hand wash container
fill the bottom with Dawn, (about 1/2" deep)
and then fill the rest with water


  1. I will definitely be trying the hand soap recipe! I just need to get some dispensers. Hand soap doesn't last long enough and it costs too much! Yay for your recipe!!!

    And I LOVE your blog! It is so cute! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks Andrea, I too had to go buy the foam soap...I never get it because it's always more but so glad I did now it will soon pay off. :)

      I've found a new laundry soap recipe as well and will blog about it soon ...:-D
