Friday, September 28, 2012

History in the Barr Home

Never did care for History when I was growing up, had to sit and read all by myself
and so I didn't learn too much of it...which I regret, BUT Lord Willing not for my
kiddos. I wanted a History book we could ALL enjoy together, so after much
searching and reading reviews I found "The Mystery of History" by: Linda
Lacour Hobar. It has lessons for the younger, middle and older students which
makes it an A+ in my book. We are enjoying it, I tweaked it to fit our best schedule
and that's the beauty of homeschooling right? :-)

Getting the lessons ready
First, we do a week of History then the next week we do Science (plan to blog of
that soon) this has worked well for us so we've stuck to it.
Then, our "timeline"(the time period of that thing or person, like "Creation 4004
B.C.") has to be small for NO room in the camper, so I've gone through the book
and picked out just specific things/people to put on the "timeline", and we put ours
as a banner hanging across the window.
Working on our timeline
Our banner timeline
And we may take a day and just work on specific things as Art, like the study of the
"Stonehenge" I even got my kindle out and looked up pictures for us to admire.
I'm still in awe over these giant rocks they moved without machines...
So, how do y'all study History?

 Making our own Stonehenge

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Day at the park

"The quickest way for a parent to
get a child's attention is to
sit down and look comfortable."
Four monkeys
For the past few days I've had some sick babies, and I myself have been under the's been just a bad cough, but up with kids coughing all night sure can
drain one quick. So this morning I decided it was time we got out of this camper
before we all go "NUTS"!!! So we packed a snack and headed to the park...
Swing'n kiddos
Peek-a-boo babies
Two older boys
My "four" sweethearts..
love how this picture turned out.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Pirate Day

"Take time to appreciate the moments,
for they will soon be memories."
September 19th was "Talk Like A Pirate" and when my kiddos heard about that
they were all on that and I must say, I got pirated out by the end of the day! ;)
"Arr", we had to talk like a pirate
"Yo ho ho", even did pirate school
"Shiver me timbers", we had a pirate battle
"Arr matey", made pirate hats and swords
"Aye aye", look our pirate tree boat
We had a good time being "pirates", even ending the day with "pirate faces"
pancakes and pirate stories with daddy. ;)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Year Later Already

"Get on your knees and pray,
then get on your feet and work."
~Gordon B. Hinckley~
Old and New camper
This week marks the anniversary when we took that long 790 mile ride to Tampa,
FL. to go pick up our new camper we had custom ordered for our family to live in
while we save our pennies to buy some land and build our dream home.
Well, a year later we are still saving and looking for land...the kids are getting more
anxious then I am I believe; they want their own trees in their own yard and the
toys we packed up in the shed over a year ago, these are the things they talk about
the most from day to day. I know the Lord will provide the land, it's to wait on Him.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Challenges ~VS~ Blessings

"Education is not the filling of a pail,
but the lighting of a fire."
~W.B. Yeats~
Homeschooling can have it's "ups and downs"!!!
I love having my kiddos close to me BUT,
at times I wish more time alone would be nice to have.
A good day of school is when we get finished at noon BUT,
more fighting goes on when we are always together.
The little ones watch and learn from the older ones BUT,
they sure can make a lot of noise making it hard to study.
We can do school in our PJ's if we like BUT,
...well, you have to admit that's pretty cool! :-D
It was "costume" day in school
Bubba is starting to slowly work on his own now, and I've been waiting for
this day BUT, it makes my heart melt to know he don't need me like he once did...
never seen that feeling coming!!! Some days he gets up early to start school so
he can finish sooner and he is such a big help, he loves to read to ladybug so I can
help lil' man with his school.
Notebooks is a new for us

"Bingo Multiplication"

I've been reading many blogs of other homeschooling mothers to help me with
my journey, and I came across one who has a child with "Dyslexia" as she
wrote about her child the more I started seeing my OWN child......for years I've
known it runs in my family, I myself fight it but it's very mild. BUT, to teach a
child with it can be a challenge...
Sweetheart has trouble with reading, so it has been a problem in math as well
as for writing and spelling makes me want to cry sometimes.
He does better if I give him one-on-one and hands on I take a VERY
DEEP BREATH "pray" and we work slow and keep going OVER and OVER!
Love the things you can find on
Pinterest :-D
Lil' man LOVES to do school, my first for that...he will ask to do school on the
weekends sometimes. I find he is learning much faster then his older brothers
did just because he enjoys it so much BUT, we still have days where he is not
in the mood, "I'm tired" is always a favorite saying at the Barr table.
And since I've started using pinterest it's amazing the free prints and DIY ideas
I've gotten to help me school for this year.
Ballerina dancer
And our baby girl only has one more year left before it's her turn to join her
brothers in homeschooling...*shew* the thought of FOUR at the table is
a bit scary, BUT, for now my sweet lil' girl will be my "baby".


Monday, September 10, 2012

Slowly We Go

"Bad habits are like a comfortable bed,
easy to get into, but hard to get out."
We have made it through a month of school, it's been a tough slow month but we made it.
Once we get into a good study habit, a flexible schedule and helping chores we can get
through a week with no problem once we get "summer break" out of our blood. :-)
Our schedule for the day is hung on the
fridge and we mark it as we go.
I used a page protector, taped it to the fridge and you can use a dry erase pen on it.

I started at the table but now I'm in my
room on my bed writing or in my closet
making copies of school papers we need.
My husband made me a stand for my copier to sit on, it's been nice having.

I've got school suplies in every spot I could
get it to fit, even under the kids bed you
may find some things. :-)
The kids like to put their books in backpacks, and it keeps them organized.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

A Virtuous Woman, Part 2

10 virtues of the woman
in Proverbs 31
Serving God in every aspect of their lives.
#6. FINANCES; She spends very wisely for her family's needs. 
"For the love of money is
the root of all evils."
1Tim. 6:10
"She knows that her merchandise
is good, and her lamp does
not go out in the night."
Prov. 31:18
#7. INDUSTRY; She works diligently with her hands not grumbling of her task.
"Do everything without grumbling
or arguing."
Phil. 2:14
"She obtains wool and flax, and
she is pleased to work
with her hands."
Prov. 31:13
#8. HOMEMAKER; She creates an inviting atmosphere of warmth and love.
"Do not neglect hospitality."
Heb. 13:2
"She watches over the ways of her
house hold, and does not eat
the bread of idleness."
Prov. 31:13
#9. TIME; She uses her time wisely always dwelling on the things of the Lord.
"A person plans his course, but
the Lord directs his steps."
Prov. 16:9
"Her hands take hold of the distaff,
and her hands grasp the spindle."
Prov. 31:19
#10. BEAUTY; Her inner beauty that only comes from God.
"Rather it should be that of your inner
self, the unfading beauty of a gentle
and quiet spirit, which is of great
worth in God's sight."
1Pet. 3:4
"She is clothed with strength and
honor, and can laugh at
the time to come."
Prov. 31:25